The Difference Between Oil and Latex Paints

Oil/ Alkyd and Latex/ Acrylic are the two most common types of paints on the market today. Oil and latex refer to the resin types in the paint. Other types of resin include Epoxies and Urethane. Resin is the glue that holds the pigment in suspension and gives the coating its particular performance characteristics. Both oil and latex can great application so the choice between the two will depend on each individual project. Oil paint, for example, will cover more thoroughly in one coat and is extremely durable, though tends to have a strong odor and may yellow over time, so are usually recommended for commercial applications. Latex paint is the most common paint in household applications. Latex paint has a much lower oder than oil and is non yellowing. Latex also cleans up easily with soap and water, but also may require 2 or more coats for full coverage and may be much less durable than oil. Benjamin Moore has a new paint call ADVANCE which is a true oil paint, but with all the convinces of latex. Hmm did they just make my article irrelevant?


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